Who We Are

Our Aim

Formerly known as the London Toxicology Group, The LTG was first established in 1979.

The Group membership has a professional interest in the detection and measurement of alcohol, drugs, poisons and their breakdown products in biological samples, together with the interpretation of these measurements.

This discipline is known as ‘analytical toxicology’.
The aim of the group is to promote the advancement of the science of analytical toxicology for public benefit and education.

There are currently over 200 members from throughout the UK, Ireland and elsewhere. Membership of the Group is by election and is open to all individuals who possess sufficient appropriate experience or qualifications relevant to, or who can show a constructive interest in, the science of analytical toxicology.

Our members are representing a wide range of disciplines, including therapeutic drug monitoring, clinical toxicology, forensic toxicology (drug driving, criminal and coroners), drugs in sport and work place drug testing. The group also draws interest from academic and research fields and has international links with other specialist toxicology groups.

The Group meets at regular intervals (4 times) each year. Meetings are a mixture of scientific content and informal social gathering, in order to facilitate an exchange of ideas between analytical toxicologists or those interested in our area of science.

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