December meeting 2023 and prize winners
Thank you to all who came along in person or online for the Christmas LTG – it was a great success with so many brilliant presentations and posters, many from young scientists. We had a total of 160 people attend the meeting! On behalf of the LTG committee, I’d like to say an extra huge congratulations to the two winners of the Brian Widdop and John Jackson prizes. Thank you to all who made the extra effort to present their oral presentations and / or posters. You all thoroughly deserve the extra thanks, and prize money for the two lucky enough to win! Pictures and details below!
Our next meeting will be in 2024, kicking off in March with our joint meeting with UKIAFT. This is currently scheduled as 8th March, but I will confirm all dates and details with you in January. Other meetings currently scheduled for 2024 are 14th June (summer Social), ?13th September (which we are currently arranging with our European Colleagues at the BLT (Belgium and Luxembourg Toxicology) as a trip to the City of Liege, and 6th December, our Christmas oral and poster presentations.
Brian Widdop award
Congratulations to Rachael Andrews, from Bath University, who won the Brian Widdop Prize for Best Oral Presentation. £500 will be with you soon!

John Jackson award
Congratulations to Andriana Michailidis, from University of Surrey, who won the John Jackson Prize for Best Poster Presentation. £300 will be with you soon!